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Project launch and concertation event

Published: 9.1.2014. | 13:24
Views: 2201

Project launch and concertation event 25.10.3013

Project launch and concertation event : Project launch and concertation event 25.10.3013

Project launch and concertation event of the project ME4CataLOgue was held on 25 October 2013, as well as the Kick-off meeting. At the opening conference, Project manager Dražan Kozak presented the objectives and expected results of the project, as well as the project partners and their role in the project.

Ms. Sanja Süto, Senior adviser at the Department for Croatian Qualifications Framework from the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, held a lecture on the Croatian Qualifications Framework.

Ms. Sanja Crnkovic Pozaić, Chief adviser of the Ministry of Labour and Pension System presented the current indicators related to the engineering profession on the labour market and spoke about the importance of making the standard of occupations for the engineering profession and the need for harmonization of qualifications with the needs of the labour market.

Ms. Vesna Štefica, Director of the Center for Human Resources Development from the Croatian Chamber of Commerce emphasized the importance of this project for the harmonization of educational opportunities with the labour market needs.

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ME4CataLOgue :
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